by Mark Hutchinson | Oct 5, 2020 | Uncategorized
A reminder: The second of three Zoom meetings to discuss goals identified in our Mission Study is coming up this Thursday, October 8 at 7:15 PM. Pastor Janice will “open the doors” for the meeting at 7 pm. This meeting will focus on Membership/Evangelism, Christian Ed...
by Mark Hutchinson | Sep 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
A reminder: The first of three Zoom meetings to discuss goals identified in our Mission Study is coming up this Sunday, September 13 at 7:15 PM. Pastor Janice will “open the doors” for the meeting at 7 pm. This meeting will focus on Mission and Community. As promised,...
by Mark Hutchinson | Aug 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
Multimedia Links If you missed a weekly service, or you would like to experience one again, there are several methods to choose from: The current audio and video versions of the weekly service can be found on our web page at...
by Greg Dietrich | Apr 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
From Pastor Janice’s “Monday Mailing” to the congregation of April 27, 2020: This last week two of my friends adopted dogs. One, a colleague, lost her mom a year ago, then her dog, and then started a new call. Phew. The other watched his marriage dissolve, the family...
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