Friends in faith,
It has been just over three months since I began to serve as your pastor. Getting to know you – as individuals and as a congregation – has been such a joy. If I have not had a chance to meet with you one on one yet, please know that I look forward to the opportunity soon!
One of the biggest celebrations of these past months has been our return to physical, in-person worship. The beauty of the gathered body of Christ is truly a blessing, even as we continue to utilize the technology available to us to welcome in those who are not comfortable being in person yet.
At the same time, the rise of the Delta variant has given us reason to pause and reconsider how we gather. For the past couple of months, we have been able to relax masking and physical distancing requirements. Unfortunately, we now need to go back to those very necessary precautions.
While most of us are vaccinated against this virus, there are those in our midst who are not, particularly those with immunocompromised systems and children under 12 years of age.
As Christians, we are called to care for the most vulnerable in our community. Jesus commands us to love our neighbors.
This is how we show that love in action.
It sounds cliché at this point, but these continue to be unprecedented times. Your session and I continue to work at sifting through the mountain of information that comes our way. Please know the safety and health of everyone who enters our building continues to be our top priority.
But beyond that, we trust in a God who loves us, and has shown us that love by gifting us with experts and professionals who are trying their best every day to protect our community.
As always, in the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor Kyle