The Session 

*The governing board of Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church and responsible for all actions and activities of the church.

*  Session members are elected by the congregation, and provide leadership for each ministry team.

*  They also oversee church finances and personnel. Current Session members and their Ministry Teams are listed below.

Ministry Teams

*  Carry out the work and mission of Hamilton Union Church.

*  Each team is made up of volunteers from the congregation and is usually led by a member of the Session.

Ministry teams at Hamilton Union, followed by their Session leaders are:

Clerk of Session:

Elder Bruce Williamson

Property: Oversees maintenance and use of church buildings and property.

Elder Chandra Reis

Worship & Congregational Life: Coordinates elements and key parts of worship services, including music, leadership, and use of the sanctuary. Provides opportunities for Christian fellowship throughout the year. Activities include, but are not limited to:

    • special outings — sports events, boat cruises, theater performances, picnics;
    • fellowship meals (in and out of church) — Harvest Lunch, Annual Meeting;
    • holiday decorating party; and
    • movie nights.

Elder Diane Irwin

Communications & Outreach: Maintains and promotes our social media presence, and works to coordinate and improve communication within our congregation and in the community.

Elder ?  

Personnel & Faith Development: Oversees the employment of church staff, including the Pastor.

Elder Sue Ferris

Membership and Engagement:

Elder George Hannett

Mission and Social Witness: Plans programs and promotes activities addressing the needs of our communities, both local and international. 

Elder Lindsay Hall

Administration & Finance: 

Elder Liz Egan

Congregational Care Team

  • visits homebound and sick friends and members.
  • coordinates outside communion visits with pastor.
  • uplift members and friends in their faith journeys.

Elder Trudy Hutchinson

If you are interested in joining a Group and/or Ministry Team, please contact the leader, call the church office at 518-456-5410, or fill out the Contact Form on this website.