At Hamilton Union, we are aware of and concerned with current local, regional, national and international issues, and we value social justice.

Our Social Witness & Mission ministry team plans programs and activities for mission projects and current social issues. The team also promotes the four Presbyterian Denominational Offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace and Global Witness, Christmas Joy) and recommends where church financial resources for mission should be spent. As a matter of policy, a minimum of 10% of the proceeds from each of our fundraising events goes to mission, which gives us a continuing stream of resources with which to work.

Here are some of the organizations and groups Hamilton Union supports:

What is a Matthew 25 Church?

Hamilton Union is a “Matthews 25” Presbyterian Church.  This means we have accepted the Apostle Matthew’s calls (Matthews 25:31-46) to actively engage in the world around us, living our faith and opening us to new possibilities. We are called to act boldly and compassionately to serve people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned or poor.  How the vision unites all Presbyterians:  This vision unites all Presbyterians, and calls us to become a more relevant presence in our community and the world. We recognize Christ’s urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice and mercy shine forth and are contagious.  Our common and holy purpose is to work for a better world.

Cornerstone Protestant Campus Ministry

Hamilton Union has a long relationship with this major student organization on the UAlbany campus.  Our members provide food and conversation at Food and Faith dinners with the students on campus.  As a congregation, we provide financial support to students participating in service trips and we financially support one Peer Minister work study position at the Campus Ministry.

Guilderland Food Pantry

The Guilderland Food Pantry began at Hamilton Union in 1979 and was housed here until 2018, when it moved to Christ Church Guilderland. There is a donation box in the Sanctuary and in front of the Christian Education Building for food and household needs. A percentage of our monthly “Two Cents a Meal” collection goes to the Food Pantry. At Christmas, we provide  winter clothing accessories for Food Pantry clients.

New Faith for Women at the Capital City Rescue Mission

The Mission serves the homeless and those in need in Albany by providing food, shelter, clothing, job training and more. Hamilton Union donates Christmas gifts, Easter baskets, winter clothing accessories through Presbyterian Women.

The Wizard’s Wardrobe

This organization links inner-city children in Albany with adult tutors to help them read, write and explore the wonderful world of books. Hamilton Union provides financial support and has provided tutors.

Schenectady City Mission

The Mission serves the homeless and those in need in Schenectady by providing food, shelter, clothing, job training and more. Hamilton Union donates Easter baskets, and winter clothing accessories through Presbyterian Women.

Banda Bola Sports Foundation

Kalekeni Banda, an Elder in our congregation and native of Malawi, started and is growing this organization that focuses on keeping children in school through sports in Chituka Village, Malawi. It supports building school and sports facilities; providing school supplies, meals and sports equipment; and is currently focusing on keeping girls in school and giving them opportunities to play sports. Hamilton Union supports this organization through donations of materials and money, and a former pastor and church members have visited Chituka Village.

In addition to the above, Hamilton Union Church provides meeting space for several community organizations such as Weight Watchers and Twinkling Stars Place Preschool is housed in our building. We have also hosted benefit concerts for local charitable organizations.   If you or a local group is looking for space to use please contact us!