Upcoming Events

HUPC is turning 200 !

Hamilton Union has a big anniversary coming up in the spring of 2024. Our congregation will be 200 years old — a BIG deal!

Hamilton Union Church was formally established in 1824, although there was an active congregation and a church building on site as early as 1797.

Hamilton Union’s history parallels that of the Town of Guilderland, so  we expect this to be a BIG event!   

There will be a special worship service on May 19th at 11am with 12:15 fellowship and community activities following it.             

Please RSVP  for the luncheon so we have enough food for everyone!


Running from 2/18- 5/26 of 2024 we are aiming to supply the

food banks of our area with a great supply of food donations.

In support of our 200th anniversary we hope to get

200 of all suggested food items. 

Anyone is free to donate using the box outside of our building any day and time!

Our next step in our journey with the Bible is to read through the entire text in one year, using the popular book, The Year of the Bible, by James E. Davison.  This comprehensive Bible-reading program for individuals and group study offers a sweeping introduction to biblical themes and concepts, complete with a detailed reading schedule for every day of one year.  Through this daily practice, we will come to a better understanding of Scripture and a greater sense of community within the church. Newcomers to Scripture and longtime Bible readers alike will find their faith enhanced and feel a sense of accomplishment from reading the Bible in its entirety.

Then, approximately once a month, I will offer a gathering space over coffee for conversation and contemplation about the readings we have done individually, to hold one another accountable, and to share the richness that we are discovering.

I look forward to this journey! Let me know if you want to join me!
~Pastor Kyle

Brooks BBQ

Join us on June 5 from 3-6pm or when sold out!

Drive Thru only!

We will have the usual chicken half, potato, slaw, and roll!

Enjoy some tasty food and the proceeds will go toward HUPC’s mission!

Open to all!

The Guilderland Food Pantry is an ongoing mission:

The deck box near the outside entrance of the Education Building will be used

for ongoing Food Pantry donations and will be checked weekly.

It will also be used for other items as needed.

If there are any questions, please contact Cindy Schultz.

Please find the QR code for HUPC donations pictured below. This is another means of donating to our church. Simply open your camera app on your electronic device as if you were taking a photo of the code. When you do this, a notification with the donation website will appear at the top of your screen.

 Regularly-Scheduled Events


For More Information

Please check any of the following:

The Good News

Our website hamiltonunionpresbyterianchurch.org



Facebook at Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church – HUPC

Call the HUPC office at 518-456-5410 to leave a message.

Pastor:  RevKyle@HamiltonUnionPresbyterianChurch.org

Administrative Assistant:  hupc@HamiltonUnionPresbyterianChurch.org