Welcome Home!


What to expect on Sunday Mornings

Our worship service is usually held at 10 am each Sunday morning, except in the summer (late June to early September) when it is held at 9 am. 

We welcome all to join us for worship and the Sacraments. All faith traditions are welcome. No worries about “proper” dress; our members and friends come to worship in everything from jeans to suits.

Our Sanctuary and much of our Education Building is wheelchair-accessible. We utilize screens and interact with zoom for most our services.  Large-print bulletins and accommodations are available; an usher can help.

Beginning Sept 8, 2024 our sunday services will be held at 10 am. 

Please feel free to join us!

Inclement Weather!


What to expect:

For Sunday mornings:

If the weather necessitates, we will announce that in-person worship is canceled in three places: on our website, on our Facebook page, and through a church-wide email. This decision will generally be made by 7:00 am with the information going out immediately after. 

Should in-person worship be canceled, we will move our morning worship to Zoom, and will begin at our usual time. The link for this is sent out each week by email with the bulletin and announcements from the church office. 

For Weekday mornings:

If the weather necessitates, we will send a church-wide email to the congregation that the office will be closed and staff working from home.

One final note — if you wake up in the morning and the weather looks uncertain, or you do not feel confident going out, stay home! Even if in-person worship is still taking place, if you do not feel safe being out, we would much rather you stay home, stay safe, and stay warm!