What We Do and Why We Do It:

A Guide to Worship Services at Hamilton Union

Worship is at the heart of the life of Hamilton Union, a celebration of the love of God and our church community. We are all children of God and worship offers us an opportunity to praise God and claim our identity as beloved children of God. Worship helps us recognize God’s love at work in our lives, and equips us to live out that love in our relationships with others in our everyday lives.

Worship Service

Worship at 10 a.m. (9am in the summer) is a warm blend of those things we know and are comfortable with, and those things which are new to us and which challenge us. Sometimes our music is joyous and raucous; sometimes it is quiet and meditative. We use beloved hymns and modern choruses. At times there are responsive litanies and prayers, while at other times there is quiet. Sometimes the pastor asks rhetorical questions in the sermon, and sometimes he really wants an answer. . .right then and right there.

The order of worship often changes, depending on the season of the Church year. Every worship service is carefully crafted — by preacher and musicians alike — to speak to the text of the day. The Revised Common Lectionary (a set selection of readings from the Bible) is often used. The specific order of the service will be listed in the Sunday Bulletin, available from an Usher as you enter the Sanctuary.

The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper and Worship

Hamilton Union is part of the Reformed tradition of Christianity, which believes the Sacraments are instituted by God and are signs of the real presence and power of Christ in the Church. Both Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are part of worship services at times.

  • The Sacrament of Baptism initiates a person into the Body of Christ. We celebrate as a family the love of God that reaches out to all people, no matter who they are. The water used in Baptism is a symbol for the new life all Christians have in Christ.
  • The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) is usually offered on the first Sunday of every month. All who believe in Jesus Christ are invited to join in the feast our Lord has prepared for us.

Worship Service Recordings



Music in Worship

A selection of anthems, bell music, solos, and duets can be found on the Music Page.