Monday Mailing 26

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #26  –   What Makes Your Heart Sing? Peacemaking makes my heart sing. So does involving ourselves in the life of the church. And involving our young people makes my heart sing, Sing, SING! Thank you, Lindsay, for inviting Leila to...

Monday Mailing 25

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #25 –          The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men  Gang aft a-gley     (Robert Burns)  You know the saying, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.  So it is with our plans for launching the Hybrid...

Monday Mailing 24

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #24  –          Questions abound. . .and that’s a good thing.   Wasn’t it just yesterday we were singing together: School’s out for summer?  Okay it wasn’t yesterday, it was March. We are well into our sixth month of this. ....

Monday Mailing 23

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #23  –          Questions abound. . .and that’s a good thing. The “elephant in the room” question is this – when will we be returning to in-person worship? A really great question.  The answer is, it depends. The twin question is...

Monday Mailing 22

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #22 –                                                                                                            Learn Something  What if the church lived out its calling to bring the Love of God in Christ to the world, in just this...