Monday Mailing 33

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #33 –   You know that feeling. . . It was probably a few weeks ago when I realized that what I was feeling was not your “garden variety” of depression, but something very different. We’ve been told it is “Covid Brain” or many other...

Monday Mailing 32

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #32 –  Just because you can. . . . My sainted Mother would often reply to my requests with the above – just because you can doesn’t mean you should. I was so irritated when she would say that. I know it was a way for me to think...

Monday Mailing 31

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #31 –  Days, Weeks, Months, Years – Seven Months Children count time differently than adults do, or at least we tell ourselves that. Children count months, weeks, days . . . to birthdays, and holidays (SANTA! Which, as of today is...

Monday Mailing 30

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #30 –  Tuesday Edition: Hybrid Worship The time has come. . .to begin worshiping together in the Sanctuary. Precautions have been taken, and will be detailed in this Mailing. I look forward to the opportunity of having people join...

Monday Mailing 29

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #29 –  Welcome To “Spoof-land”  It happened again, and it will probably happen more in the future. . .I was spoofed while on vacation. Spoofing is where someone attempts to be “you”, and asks others for something “in your name.” ...