Welcome to the Monday Mailing #26 –
What Makes Your Heart Sing?
Peacemaking makes my heart sing. So does involving ourselves in the life of the church. And involving our young people makes my heart sing, Sing, SING! Thank you, Lindsay, for inviting Leila to create our graphic for the Minute for Mission yesterday morning. It was a perfect way for us to see what makes her heart sing. . .and I bet she learned a little something about our special offering.
Then I posted it . . . on my Facebook page, as an encouragement to others who take this offering, and it BLEW UP! Friends were asking if she would give permission for them to use it in THEIR OWN CHURCH! With the blessing of Lindsay and Leila, it is now attributed to her and others can use it. I know what this has done to my heart. . .but can you begin to imagine what this did to Leila’s heart? She is a part of the church, and in this her gifts are being affirmed and she is learning that there is a church larger than HUPC.
In our role as Peacemakers and Peacekeepers, may we be ever mindful of the needs across our globe, especially those instances of national and international conflict. May we stand on the side of justice in the name of Christ as we approach issues of black lives matter, police over-reach, bullying and the like. And may we remember that our God calls on us to use our gifts – all our gifts – to further the work of the Kingdom. Thank you, Leila, for leading the way!
Peace to you all – Pastor Janice