Rev. Kyle Delhagen


Rev. Kyle Delhagen was called to be the pastor at Hamilton Union in May of 2021, along with his wife, Rev. Elena Delhagen, and their two children, Jumah and Atticus, is overjoyed to be serving this community.
Rev. Delhagen grew up the son of a pastor, the late Rev. Dr. Harold Delhagen, in many places, but he calls Pultneyville, New York, along the shores of Lake Ontario outside of Rochester, home.
A graduate of Hope College (Holland, Michigan) and New Brunswick Theological Seminary (New Brunswick, New Jersey), Pastor Kyle has a deep passion for preaching and teaching, and is deeply committed to issues of justice and reconciliation. Part of what drew him to HUPC is its commitment to becoming a Matthew 25 congregation and being a voice for the voiceless. In sermons, Pastor Kyle regularly lifts up marginalized communities like the LGBTQIA+, advocates for dismantling systems of racism and white supremacy, and disrupting oppressive economic patterns.
“I know that the Church has something to say in our nation and our world about the systems that are damaging families and communities around the globe. Jesus calls us to lean into these hard conversations, and to challenge old ways of thinking. I think people are yearning for something deeper and more expansive in their faith, and community is where change begins.”
Pastor Kyle is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in Pastoral Care and Counseling through New Brunswick Theological Seminary, focusing on the ways congregations can aid in healing traumas inflicted upon LGBTQIA+ individuals and families, as well as becoming open and affirming spaces for diverse groups. In his free time (which is rare these busy days!), Pastor Kyle enjoys reading, re-watching past seasons of Dr. Who, and spending time outdoors hiking and fishing.

Monday Mailing 28

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #28 I may be on vacation. . .but I still want you to think! “See” you next week.   Peace to you. . .  Pastor Janice

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Monday Mailing 27

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #27 I’m on vacation. . .enjoying most of the above! “See” you when I return. Peace to you. . . Pastor Janice

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Monday Mailing 25

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #25 -          The best laid schemes o' mice an' men  Gang aft a-gley     (Robert Burns)  You know the saying, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.  So it is with our plans for launching the Hybrid (Zoom/In-person) worship...

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Monday Mailing 26

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #26  -   What Makes Your Heart Sing? Peacemaking makes my heart sing. So does involving ourselves in the life of the church. And involving our young people makes my heart sing, Sing, SING! Thank you, Lindsay, for inviting Leila to create...

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Monday Mailing 24

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #24  -          Questions abound. . .and that’s a good thing.   Wasn’t it just yesterday we were singing together: School’s out for summer?  Okay it wasn’t yesterday, it was March. We are well into our sixth month of this. . .this...

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