Monday Mailing 12

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #12 –   Out of an Abundance of Love  It was out of an abundance of love that three months ago we stopped meeting together – in person – for the life and ministry of the church. Because we care for one another, and indeed even those...

Monday Mailing 11

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #11  –  Unraveled  Unraveled.  In the world of crochet, we call it frogging. . .ribbit, ribbit. . .rip-it out. Knitters call it Tinking. . .tink. . .to “knit” backwards. . .taking out what you have already done.  In many ways, that...

Monday Mailing 10

Welcome to the Monday Tuesday Mailing #10 –     When the Politicians Tell Us to Open the Church  The world is abuzz. . .when will the church open up again? The question suggests that the church has closed. My colleague, Ed McLeod, (pastor of First Presbyterian...

Monday Mailing 9

When Zoom is Not Your Friend A little cray-cray (crazy) this morning, eh? I am writing this on Sunday afternoon, and we have learned a number of things. Zoom did some maintenance over night . . .no word on the connection there. The UK had issues with Zoom long before...