by Mark Hutchinson | Jan 26, 2021 | Monday Mailing
Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 4 – Per Capita Like many of us, each year I make resolutions for the new year. In the past, they have been like those many of us make – eat healthy, get more sleep…… . Given the ample amount of time...
by Mark Hutchinson | Jan 23, 2021 | Monday Mailing
Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 3 – MLK, Jr. I do not remember April 4, 1968. Living about as far away from the racial south as one could get in northern California, I knew far more Hispanics than blacks. I would later discover that the black part...
by Mark Hutchinson | Jan 13, 2021 | Uncategorized
From the Communications Ministry Team: We’ve heard that many of you have questions about the Covid-19 Vaccine rollout. Here are some resources we have put together that may be helpful: Vaccine eligibility, where to get it, and appointments: NYS Department of...
by Mark Hutchinson | Jan 11, 2021 | Monday Mailing
Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 2 – The Guest Edition Each year Presbyterian churches are assessed an apportionment to support the Presbytery of Albany, the Synod of the Northeast, and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA. For 2021,...
by Mark Hutchinson | Jan 4, 2021 | Monday Mailing
Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 1 – Boxed – by Ann Weems I must admit to a certain guilt about stuffing the Holy Family into a box in the aftermath of Christmas. It’s frankly a time of personal triumph when, each Advent’s eve, I free them (and the...
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