by Mark Hutchinson | Apr 12, 2021 | Monday Mailing
Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 16 – Then a Miracle Occurs I made reference to this cartoon sometime in the last week or two. . .I don’t really recall when, but I remember talking about it. Then A Miracle Occurs. I participated in a miracle...
by Mark Hutchinson | Apr 5, 2021 | Monday Mailing
Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 15 – An Easter Prayer, by Walter Brueggemann On our own, we conclude: that there is not enough to go around we are going to run short of money of love… of grades of publications of sex of beer of members of years...
by Mark Hutchinson | Mar 29, 2021 | Monday Mailing
Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 14 – Jesus Barabbas There are days when we hear things in the Holy Texts that we don’t remembering hearing before. There are days when, given what is happening around us, the Holy Texts take on new meaning for us. There...
by Mark Hutchinson | Mar 22, 2021 | Monday Mailing
Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 13 – Words from Larissa Kwong Abazia (Larissa is a fellow colleague and former vice-moderator of the 221st General Assembly. I share her words from last week, as her words are as important for us to hear.) It took until...
by Mark Hutchinson | Mar 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 12 -First World Problems Getting out of the bed this morning, when it was still 13 degrees outside, was an exercise infutility. It was a four-cat night, and even as I stirred under the covers, the cats seemed towedge themselves...
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