Monday Mailing 16

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #16 –   Sacred Time  I am most thankful for yesterday…and “mostly” having the Sunday off. It was a rich blessing to experience the worship the Presbytery of Boston put together and shared with the Synod of the Northeast. It...

Monday Mailing 15

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #15  –   Sacred Space  Most of us crave sacred spaces.    “In my own little corner. . .” sings Cinderella, “I can be whatever I want to be.” To have a place, a space that is comforting and safe, is a deep desire for humankind. How...

Monday Mailing 14

Welcome to the Monday Mailing #14 –   I Cannot Say it Better   This Monday morning, as I read a few things online before getting to the tasks of the day, I realized that I cannot say it better… than the Reverend Jan Edmiston did in her blog – A Church...

Monday Mailing 13

A Message from the Session on Reopening  This past Thursday evening, June 11, your Session met in special session to discuss returning to worship in our church building. As you may have heard, Governor Cuomo announced on Saturday, June 6, that houses of worship in...