From Pastor Janice’s “Monday Mailing” to the congregation of April 27, 2020:
This last week two of my friends adopted dogs. One, a colleague, lost her mom a year ago, then her dog, and then started a new call. Phew. The other watched his marriage dissolve, the family dog go with his ex, and all that these transitions encompass. They both have been talking about a new dog for some weeks, and last week was the week. New life in the midst of all this chaos. Buzzbee is part cat, as his first night he unrolled the TP and TPed the house. Buzz (the other dog. . .how can two friends who adopt at the same time, and who do not know each other, both adopt dogs named Buzz, I do not know!), but Buzz, apparently is a bed hog, snores, and likes the Maine Coon cat more than said cat likes him. It is a joy to see the photos, and even more of a joy to see their faces, and hear the lilt in their voices as they interact with their new housemate.
DON’T WORRY – I’m not planning to adopt another cat/kitten. . .Tokyo would not let me!
The reason I am sharing that I see such joy in these colleagues as they interact with their pups. . .and it warms my heart.
You might say that something is burning in my heart. . .and I recognize God in the midst of the lives of people I know. God comes to us in so many different ways, and a lot of the time we simply miss it. I know I do.
So, this is a week to keep your eyes open to Christ walking with you, to seeing God all around you, and at work in others. . .and in you. I would invite you to capture a bit of that in a picture and send it to me. Digitally, send to, and snail mail to the church. We will be using these pictures in our worship and in social media as we lead up to Pentecost. Where do you see God at work in the world? Where do you see bread broken and just know that it is our Lord?
Speaking of breaking bread. . .next Sunday, May 3, we will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper once again, virtually. I invite you to have a bread that is common to you (bread, crackers, tortilla. . .) and a “juice” that is common to you (juice, tea, water. . .you get the idea). As the body of Christ, stretched across the community, we will share together in the meal which makes us one. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.
May our eyes be opened, and may we recognize the Risen Christ ever in our midst.
Peace, peace, peace –
Pastor Janice