Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 5 – Annual Meeting Recap
Being perfectly honest. . .I don’t like Annual Meetings. In the past, no matter how well- prepared the leadership of the church is, it usually become a time for the congregation at large to critique and criticize the leadership of the church. All the leadership of the church.
Some people like to critique and criticize. They find power in telling others how it should be done (when I was growing up, we did things this way), why there is something wrong (that new idea failed, so we should never do another new idea), and how the pastor has failed in the last year at least one time, if not many times during the year (like we’re not aware of almost every time we have fallen short during the last year). The budget is called into question (Why are we spending that much on XYZ?) and actions of the Session and the Presbytery are called into question, as if they care little for the church.
Yesterday was not like that – at all.
You laughed with one another. You asked great questions. You considered what you have learned over this last year as a congregation, and reflected on it. Wow! You supported the church with your YES to serving as an Elder, Deacon and on Nominating Committee (yes, we do still need one more Deacon. . .and if you would like to serve in a non-installed way, please let me know). . .you celebrated and gave thanks to God for the lives of those who have so faithfully served you in these past years.
And you played BINGO on Zoom! (There were two “official” winners: Diane Irwin and Maryanne M-H . . . if others of you got Bingos, let me know!)
The one thing we did not do, was to light a candle in memory of our dear sister, Betty Koban. It certainly was an oversight, and unintentional. We remember with joy her life, and her ministry among us, and give thanks that she is numbered among those in the Church Triumphant.
The key to our joyous annual meeting yesterday, falls into the area of church life the Session has identified as Communication. Communication is about telling people about things happening in the church. . .but it goes deeper than that. It is really about telling people why the things happening in the church are important. . .and inviting others to join in. The Mission ministry of the church is directing us in this as we look at Food Insecurity and Hunger Issues as a church this year. Our life as people of faith is about more than knowing when to show up. It is about being able to share with others why we choose to show up, and inviting them to come along with you.
Keep up with the flexibility. Keep going with the new ideas. Keep communicating with one another. Keep sharing the faith.
Peace –
Pastor Janice