Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 4 – Per Capita
Like many of us, each year I make resolutions for the new year. In the past, they have been like those many of us make – eat healthy, get more sleep…… . Given the ample amount of time I’ve had for reflection over the last year, I’ve taken a different direction this year. Yes, good sleep and healthy eating are important, but what about something more that will be impactful to someone besides me?
Each year I’ve looked at the little blue envelope among my offering envelopes. “Oh yes,” I’ve thought, “I should make a per capita donation this year.” Although I’ve been a member of the church for at least fifteen years, I realize that my thought has never translated into action.
Back to those resolutions. This year I’ve decided to follow a new path and become more intentional about my giving. Where can I focus the resources I have to make even a small difference? I decided this year it’s time to think about our church.
When I think about our congregation, we do much with limited resources. We minister not only among ourselves, but also to the greater community. Perhaps we all can take small steps to free up additional resources to make even more of an impact.
Back again to our per capita request. I wasn’t surprised to find out that only about a third of us on an annual basis contribute to the per capita offering. After all, following the hectic Christmas season, I, myself had overlooked the request fourteen times! But what if we could change our participation in this collection to 50%? That would result in an additional $800. There is real power in simple gestures.
Today then, I broke a bad habit that lasted fourteen years. My check is really in the mail. I hope that if like me you have thought about supporting this effort but have never quite gotten to it, that you’ll consider doing it this year. We all have the power to make a difference.
Sue Ferris