Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 2

January 11, 2021

Welcome to the Monday Mailing Vol 2, Ed 2 – The Guest Edition

Each year Presbyterian churches are assessed an apportionment to support the

Presbytery of Albany, the Synod of the Northeast, and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA. For 2021, Hamilton Union’s assessment is $4,508. The assessment is based on the church’s membership of 98 at a per capita apportionment rate of $46. Churches are also asked to voluntarily pledge an additional amount, as they are able, to support the ministry of the Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly. Because of budgetary constraints, Hamilton Union has not been able to pledge any additional amount for the past few years over and above the per capita apportionment.

 The per capita apportionment is important to the Presbyterian Church organization, governance, and polity. You might ask what this money is used for. It is a primary revenue source for these governance organizations of the Presbyterian Church. These organizations oversee and provide structure to the life of the Church. Their ministry includes committees overseeing pastors and congregations, preparation for ordination to ministry, church development, mission and social justice. They oversee and assist churches with special needs and assist with the closure of churches as needed. They provide grants and loans to churches for capital and special programs. They provide a chaplaincy program for churches and ministers. And they provide guidance and expertise on matters of church polity. They provide regular opportunities for pastors and church elders to gather together to worship, fellowship, and perform the administrative work of the church. And they advocate for national and worldwide mission and social justice. The General Assembly administers four (4) church-wide offerings in support of mission, social justice and other programs of Christian discipleship. The General Assembly also supports biannual church-wide assemblies to do the important work of church governance in a representative and inclusive manner consistent with our Christian and church governance values.

 Because of its importance, we provide a per capita apportionment envelope (blue) in your box of offering envelopes. Won’t you contribute this $46 per member to this important cause to help cover this cost.

 Thank you,

 Stewardship Committee


. . . thank you, Bill Hasselbarth, for the guest column this week!  Have a great week everyone!

 Pastor Janice