Rev. Kyle Delhagen
Rev. Kyle Delhagen was called to be the pastor at Hamilton Union in May of 2021, along with his wife, Rev. Elena Delhagen, and their two children, Jumah and Atticus, is overjoyed to be serving this community.
Rev. Delhagen grew up the son of a pastor, the late Rev. Dr. Harold Delhagen, in many places, but he calls Pultneyville, New York, along the shores of Lake Ontario outside of Rochester, home.
A graduate of Hope College (Holland, Michigan) and New Brunswick Theological Seminary (New Brunswick, New Jersey), Pastor Kyle has a deep passion for preaching and teaching, and is deeply committed to issues of justice and reconciliation. Part of what drew him to HUPC is its commitment to becoming a Matthew 25 congregation and being a voice for the voiceless. In sermons, Pastor Kyle regularly lifts up marginalized communities like the LGBTQIA+, advocates for dismantling systems of racism and white supremacy, and disrupting oppressive economic patterns.
“I know that the Church has something to say in our nation and our world about the systems that are damaging families and communities around the globe. Jesus calls us to lean into these hard conversations, and to challenge old ways of thinking. I think people are yearning for something deeper and more expansive in their faith, and community is where change begins.”
Pastor Kyle is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in Pastoral Care and Counseling through New Brunswick Theological Seminary, focusing on the ways congregations can aid in healing traumas inflicted upon LGBTQIA+ individuals and families, as well as becoming open and affirming spaces for diverse groups. In his free time (which is rare these busy days!), Pastor Kyle enjoys reading, re-watching past seasons of Dr. Who, and spending time outdoors hiking and fishing.

Monday Mailing 7
Welcome to the Monday Mailing #7 “Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth.” The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Psalm 46:10-11 Some of the Biblical translations offer these words for the...
Monday Mailing 8
The “We’re still at this?” edition. Yes, we are still at this. Starting the ninth week, I thought it might be good to do a Top Ten (ala David Letterman) Things I’ve Learned During Covid-19. I know, I have to stop writing these Monday Mailings on Monday morning when...
Where Do You See The Christ on Your Walk of Faith?
From Pastor Janice’s “Monday Mailing” to the congregation of April 27, 2020: This last week two of my friends adopted dogs. One, a colleague, lost her mom a year ago, then her dog, and then started a new call. Phew. The other watched his marriage dissolve, the family...